Detox Day 3-4 Recap

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is walnut-colored, the texture of toothpaste, and the length of a banana? (this is not a riddle)

Day 3: Add raw veggies

This was pretty simple, I felt less limited because I was just a vegetarian for the day. This thus gave me the bright idea of grabbing lunch at Sunflower Vegetarian. I got the House Salad with Avocado and Japanese style ginger dressing (oil free) -- it was quite satisfying. I can't wait to go back for all the other goodies they have to offer.

Dinner was another salad: Baby spinach, avocado, bell peppers, and some lemon juice

I did go on a 3 mile /30 min run when I got home from work and found myself more exhausted and producing a lot more sweat than usual; I am attributing this to the detox.

Day 4: Add brown rice and cooked veggies

I was so excited for this day because I have been without carbs for what feels like a lifetime. The brown rice was oh so good, I might even consider eating it on a regular basis. I cooked some broccoli and bell peppers in EVOO and fresh minced garlic. This was my hearty lunch for the day.

Dinner had similar ingredients, but with a different prep. I steamed all the veggies using as little water as possible and squeezed some lemon juice on it. Needless to say, my dinner was delicious (compared to all of my previous meals). I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to my normal eating habits; I admit it takes very little to excite me these days when it comes to what I can eat though.

Net Weight Change: -4.5lbs


May said...

umm.. i think i just understood your riddle. or not riddle. >_<

ahk said...

all the acidity from lemon juice is going to eat your stomach raw.

Kristine said...

healthy poop.

i still remember that weird weird infomercial from the bahamas.

and i've gained a net 5 pounds since being home. hahaha.